Since I first understood why it wasn't my fault quite a few months ago, this battle started raging between what is true and what I have always believed. Being able to insert my own "yeah but" and writing my own fault into what happened eased the tension of the battle for a while, making it bearable. Bearable wasn't easy by any means. I wrestled and fought and broke, but I wasn't wearing out. There was something about the "yeah but" blame I put on myself that gave me strength to keep fighting this battle between what was true and what I've always believed.
Then, in August, a story broke in the news about USA Gymnastics covering up allegations of sexual abuse, protecting their coaches at the expense of their underage gymnasts. It was a really hard story to read because it was my story. They featured four coaches. One of them was mine. I was not part of the article other than being among the group of "his victims" mentioned. I poured over the article and the documents linked in it. I learned things that have been huge in my story. I learned that a lot of parts of my story that I thought were true were actually lies. It was crushing. I had a lot to grapple with. And in the process of taking in this new information, processing the truth that was now informing all these lies that I never knew were lies, I found myself unable to say "yeah but" to the statement that it wasn't my fault. I found myself unable to write in my own blame like I used to. When all my "yeah but" statements couldn't stand up to what I now could see as true, I fell apart.
In the months since the news broke and I couldn't find a way to blame myself, the battle inside me between knowing it wasn't my fault and wanting to make it my fault has intensified. I have struggled immensely in every way possible. I can see the truth. I know that everyone who says it was not my fault is absolutely right. I know they are. I know when they call "it" abuse, they are calling it what it is. But something in me won't let myself believe what I know is true. Something won't let me accept the truth for what it is, so the battle rages, and now I am weary. That strength found in the "yeah but" is gone, and I'm losing the fight. I'm exhausted. I know I should surrender, but I can't. I don't know why. I don't know what in me won't let me stop fighting this battle. I know I won't win it. The truth will win. It has to win because God is a God of truth, and He fights for what is true. Truth will win, and I will lose. It's supposed to be good, bring freedom. I can't see that from where I am though.
In light of all that I just shared, I have a poem to share with you that speaks of this battle. I know this post is not very hopeful, maybe a bit confusing, definitely messy. In all honesty, though, abuse is confusing and messy, and healing is confusing and messy. Maybe the hope lies in knowing that you, my fellow survivor sisters, can see you are not alone in the struggle. Maybe the battle inside you is over a different truth than mine right now, but either way, you are not alone as truth and lies battle within you. I know truth winning is supposed to be good, but it doesn't feel like a good thing right now. So when you struggle to be okay with what you know is good, you aren't alone in that either. One other thing I do know...God is with us even in these battles between truth and lies, and somehow, when truth wins and we feel utterly crushed, God will be with us then too. I'm banking on Him fulfilling that promise. I can't lose this battle if He won't.
The Battle Within
For as long as I can remember I've believed all these lies
I knew they were wrong while they ate me alive
So when I finally heard the truth for the first time
It was too hard to believe it might actually be right
Yet little by little it gently whispered in my ear
Planting seeds so one day I might believe it when I hear
It was not your fault and you are not to blame
You don't have to carry the weight of his shame
But that day, it has not yet arrived
And the lies I've believed continue to strive
They twist all the racing thoughts in my head
And I can't make sense of this struggle I dread
But as the truth now starts to close in
All the wild thoughts are beginning to spin
I find that all of the words that I need
Are the very same words I simply can't speak
And this truth brings no freedom
No it is harsh and oppressive
So I push hard against it
Fight to hold on to the pieces
Of what's left of my numb heart
But here it is still falling apart
And this battle rages beyond just my mind
It wars in every ounce of this body of mine
I am weary and I just want to be done
But something inside won't let me give up
Still I lose a little more of the battle each day
As my strength fades and begins to give way
But there's no rest for my weary soul
For in the safety of these lies is a comfort I can't let go
I can't let myself risk the hurt that will come
When the truth overwhelms and the lies are undone
I fear the broken silence when the strivings finally cease
And I can't imagine a place where abuse can find peace
So beaten down I fight a battle I know I can't win
As truth demands to be known while lies refuse to give in
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