Saturday, July 20, 2019

The weight of worth

The Weight of Worth

I saw you field another question today
It's fine, it doesn't matter you replied
I see through the walls around your heart
I know the lies you've held tight to survive

I also know when you say "it"
You actually mean you don't matter
Since believing them when they say you're worthless
Makes the weight of abuse easier to bear

Beloved child, the danger's now gone
The lies will only keep you bound
Though I know the depths of pain it will bring
The truth is also where freedom is found

I created you in your mother's womb
With My very hands I knit you together
I marked you with My fingerprint
The seal of your worth forever

Every adult who kept secrets hidden
Leading you as a lamb to the slaughter
Though they tried every way they knew how
They could not break My seal on you, daughter

I know the one who depended on lies
The man who stripped you and shredded your soul
I see the wounds left deep under the surface
Those marks take the heaviest toll

With every cut he thought he removed
My fingerprint off of your person
But no one has the power, not even him
To strip you of the worth I have given

Every time he looked past the mark of your Maker
With every single wound that you bear
My holy heart breaks and I weep with grief
Yet remember your worth isn't found there

It is found in Me, the Worthy One
Who hung on a criminal's cross
Naked and clothed in shame for you
I know personally the depths of your loss

Yet I conquered the shame others heaped on Me
When they said I didn't matter
I rose victorious and now sit with you
Telling you truth and making lies scatter

You matter to me and you always have
I made you and guarantee your worth
You never deserved what they did to you
But I will bring redemption forth

Now quiet your heart and let the truth sink deep
I will stay close by your side
I'll hold you with the same hands that knit you together
As the weight of your worth overflows your eyes

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